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To provide a milieu of safety-net services that offer support to low-income families. A
service delivery that strives towards the strengthening of family and one that progressively
mobilizes the quality of life.


Our vision is that low-income families can achieve economic security and youth achieve academically to empower themselves to break the cycle of poverty.

About Us

Incorporated in 1983 as a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization, Latino Resource Organization, Inc. (LRO) has been providing a variety of social services to communities in the Greater West Los Angeles areas. Headquartered in the West Los Angeles, LRO serves 2,500 people annually. LRO operates as a community grass-root resource center where families can reach out to secure basic needs.

At its inception, LRO was an information and resource center for Spanish-speaking residents of Santa Monica. Through the 80’s, the agency expanded its service area to include the Greater West Los Angeles areas and including City/County residents of Los Angeles. Programs also expanded to include Case Management services, Senior Services, and in 1993, there was the addition of comprehensive Immigration and Naturalization Services Program and an Environmental Education Program. In 1997, LRO moved its operation to Venice, CA.

In 2000, Latino Resource Organization became a partner agency with the City of Los Angeles Family Development Network (FDN). A collaborative of partner agencies providing coordinated social services for low-income families funded by the Community Development Department. In 2005, services that addressed the development of Financial Education for families living in poverty were launched. In 2009, this partnership became the City of Los Angeles Community Development Department's West Los Angeles FamilySource Center and was the beginning of the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program-VITA.

Through 2012-2023, the organization became the lead agency and operator of the West Los Angeles FamilySource Center (WLAFSC). This brought the inception of Youth Services focusing on Academic Development for elementary, middle, & high school youth with the focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics - STEM. Youth services also include Life Skills, Tutoring, and College Prep, Assistance with college and financial aid applications.


In addition to our regular FamilySource Services, the organization has and continues to implement various critical COVID-19 Emergency Response initiatives with the support of the City of Los Angeles Mayors Office, CARES ACT, City of Los Angeles Community Investment For Families Department, and Cedars Sinai. This includes Grocery Cards, Emergency Financial Assistance, and a Rental and Utility Assistance Subsidy Program. LRO Case Managers are currently assisting with the City of Los Angeles's Housing Is Key and the newly launched Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot Program (BIG LEAP). Case Managers provide Financial Education helping customers increase savings, reduce debt, improve credit scores, connect to banking services, and work with customers to restore banking relationships
fractured due to the economic impact from COVID.


In 2024, Latino Resource Organization begins to operate the NEW North Hollywood-Sun Valley Familysource Center. Bringing over 40 years of delivering social services to marginalized communities.
Latino Resource Organization operates in the heart of the North Hollywood - Sun Valley low-income community; recognized by its peer agencies and embraced by the people it serves.

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©2024 by Latino Resource Organization

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